Heroes 5 Wiki

Splash Screen/Thumbnail Images guide! (H5 TotE) - by Fiur[]

How to add Splash Screens and Thumbnails to your maps.

  • Splash Screens is the image displayed while the map is loading, known as PWL files in Heroes V
  • Thumbnails are the pictures shown when you select the map.

Programs Needed:

Note: Back up your map before doing this!

Splash Screens[]

First, create an image you want to use as your splash screen. It needs to be 1024*766. Next ,create a 1024*1024 image that is black.

Paste the splash screen on the top of the file like the sample below:


Save your splash screen as a DDS file using these settings:

DXT1 RGB (no alpha), no MIP maps (and 2D texture).
It should be about 513kb.

Next, create a XML file so the game knows what to do with your image.

file: “name”.(Texture).xdb

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <DestName href="name.dds"/>

Extract the file "map.xdb" from your H5M and change the <PWLPicture/> tag to this:

<PWLPicture href="name.(Texture).xdb#xpointer(/Texture)"/>

Open your map's .h5m file with WinRAR or 7-Zip and add your dds and xml file and replace map.xdb with the new one you just edited.


Your thumbnail needs to be a 240*180 image in DDS format. When you save the file use 8:8:8:8 ARGB (32 bit). It will be approximately 225kB.

Next, creat the XML file for your thumbnail:

file: pic1.xdb

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <SrcName href=""/>
   <DestName href="pic1.dds"/>

In the file map.xdb change <thumbnailImages/>to:

   <Item href="pic1.xdb#xpointer(/Texture)"/>

Also edit the file: map-tag.xdb

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <AdvMapDesc href="map.xdb#xpointer(/AdvMapDesc)"/>
   <NameFileRef href="name.txt"/>
   <DescriptionFileRef href="description.txt"/>
   <MapGoal href="MapGoalText.txt"/>
      <Item href="pic1.xdb#xpointer(/Texture)"/>

You can add as many pictures you like, I suggest at least 10... but you need to make the .xdb file for each picture.
